Komuniti Guru Digital Learning (KGDL)

The COVID-19 pandemic took educators by surprise when schools were forced to close nationwide, sending unprepared teachers to enter into a new world of intensified online teaching and learning.

Komuniti Guru Digital Learning (KGDL) was born as a response to empower teachers to ensure continuity in teaching and learning.

It is a free, massive open online course that provides interactive training modules with video tutorials and quizzes to give teachers a quick start in launching their remote teaching effectively. 

The modules are: 

  1. Google Classroom. 
  2. Google Education products. 
  3. Interactive elements for active remote learning. 
  4. Digital assessments for individual and collaborative work. 
  5. Foster a positive digital learning environment.

What’s more, we also included a section on supporting students with hearing and vision disability through different accessibility features available. We are honoured that KGDL went live on MOE’s DELIMa portal on 14 April 2020 for all teachers to access easily. 

In its first year, KGDL has benefited over 3,000 teachers from nearly 2,000 schools in the country. 

KGDL as a MOOC is named in the “Promising practices for equitable remote learning: Emerging Lessons from COVID-19 education responses in 127 countries”-UNICEF’s Innocenti Research Brief 2020. It’s not too late to brush up on your digital teaching skills.

Get trained and certified today at https://arus.cc/komunitiguruDL.