Subaasini Manirajan
Mardiana Mohd Naser
Lee Poh Hock
16 years old
Physics, Math, English, Programming, Design
Description or Achievements and Skills Involved
For many generations, fishermen had to only rely on their vision and experience to decide if they should go out to certain parts of the sea. This method is unreliable as the weather in the sea, wind speed and wave height can be highly unpredictable and could pose harm to fishermen. This is what we discovered when we conducted a site visit at Pulau Aman in Pulau Pinang. In some countries such as Canada, the department of meteorology would provide an hourly update of sea conditions to the public. However, the Malaysian meteorology department only releases updates of sea conditions at a 24 hour interval which is not helpful for fishermen. We wanted to solve this problem and create an open ocean data for fishermen by deploying anchored buoys into the oceans and broadcasting the information to fishermen. The buoys would detect the acceleration of the wave (in which wave height can be inferred), as well as the windspeed of a particular area in the sea and broadcasting to all nearby fishermen with the corresponding equipment. Fishermen would only need to run a simple programme on their computer with the receiver module plugged in and they will be able to get live information (at 1 minute intervals) from the sea.