Arus@Penang and Arus@KL are open for volunteers.
There are a few distinct streams of volunteers available throughout the year.
If you believe in our mission that learning should be made meaningful and relevant and you have a skill that can help us achieve this mission, let’s do it together! Sign up to be a Friend of Arus.
Friends of Arus in the past have included university students as well as working adults who are seeking ways to use their skills for the better good in their spare time or to dip their feet in the world of social enterprises.

Programme Design
You’re great at designing projects or you have ideas about an amazing programme for teachers, students or even parents. We’re always on the lookout for how we can make learning exciting and relevant for students. Let’s design a project together!
Programme Volunteers & Facilitators
You’d like a peek into the meaningful learning experience at Arus, but you’re too old to participate as a student #itssokay #wefeelthatwaytoo #allthetime. We’re looking for short-term additional project support. Join us temporarily as programme volunteers or facilitators where you will be helping us to run our programmes.
Media Consultants
You’re a comms whiz – whether it’s with PR, strategy, writing, media relations or messaging. Share your skill with us so we can tell more people about the work we do and have more students benefit from it.
Social Media Bunnies
Social Media is your Game. It’s certainly not ours yet. Share your insights with us through a social media workshop or volunteer your time to help us tell the amazing stories behind Arus
Jack-Jane of all trades.
You’re a Jack (or Jane) of all Trades. Sometimes work develops so fast at Arus that we might not even have time to come up with a position name yet. Drop us a line and we’ll most likely be able to give you 5 random ways you can contribute.
Designer & Videographer
You love creating visual content. We have stories that deserve to be heard and we believe telling them through designs or videos might be the best way. Help us do this
You’re an expert in a field – HR, marketing, school design, education, data, Orang Asli communities, architechture, or any other fields out there! We’d love to just have a cuppa with you to hear your insights and strategies as we believe in being lifelong learners ourselves so we can pass these on to our kids
Are you a parent who think it’s important for your child to learn in an environment that encourages the love of learning, an environment that makes learning relevant and meaningful? We need parents like you as one of our supporters! Contribute your ideas as a parent and together, lets build our dream school for our children. You can also sign-up your interest as a parent here
To ensure our programmes and school are both financially-accessible to all students, we are open to the support from funders – whether individual or corporate.
If you’re unable to commit to any of these roles, it will still be great if you can just help us spread the word on our cause.
Tell your friends about Arus Academy and our mission to make learning relevant, share it on social media. Tag us on @arusacademy.